Friday, January 27, 2012

Fun in Marathon

Hey everybody...trying to get this post in before we get too far out of the harbor today on our way to Bimini-another BIG overnighter!  Prayers for our crossing the Gulf-stream would be appreciated if you get this before dark tonight (or even after, since we'll probably be in it most of the night)...
Not sure if this picture got on the last blog post of us in Key West at the Southermost point-just in case...

Also,  Cin has joined the Mac world with a new MacBook pro from the Captain for her birthday.  So I'm practicing on it now how to do this blog!  Funzies!

Left Key West on Cin's birthday and had a beautiful sail to Marathon.
Only one problem...all 200 of the mooring balls in the main Harbor were taken and there was a waiting list of 8 boats ahead of us. No worries, mon...(practicing our new laid back lingo for the Bahamas) we just anchored right outside the mooring field and waited for our turn as groups of boaters would get together and head on out over the next few days, leaving an open ball for us.  Wish we had gotten a pic of the harbor with over 200 sailboats in it, but at least we got this shot of the marina and dinghy docks where all those boats go to get landside.
and this is only 1/3 of the dinghys-2 other docks on the other side!

It was quite a long dingy ride for us, but so much going on once you got there.  They actually have such an organized boating "community" in Marathon, they have yoga classes, meet and greets and all kinds of activities-a huge "reading and tv" building with tables set up for computers, etc.  We met these friends (Jan and Tom from Indiana) and joined them for dinner and to watch the playoff games at a nearby restaraunt we dinghy'd to.

We still had stuff to do to get prepared for our "crossing" (referrIng to the Gulf Stream crossing between Florida and the Bahamas, which can be difficult unless you catch the right weather window).

Like getting all the laundry caught up with my lizard friend-Geico?


Here's a shot of the Captain (master multi-tasker) eating lunch while driving the dinghy back to the boat after his 30th trip to West Marine, Home Depot, Publix, etc. getting all supplied up for the journey.

1 comment:

Gigi said...

Oh well...I guess you see this post is not perfect-but that's ok-I was trying to get it out before we lost internet connection and accidently messed up the end. Hope you can read the white highlighted-didn't mean to.
Also missed the LOVE TO ALL at the end. More soon, Pete and Cin