Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ah Charleston

HD has been tied to the Maritime Center's floating dock for three weeks while the crew is house hunting. Plan is for her to stay here while the crew Holidays in Nicaragua with a house full of the bestest folks ever. The first week of January she will head south for Florida for a couple of months while the winter in Charleston passes by.
Haven't found that perfect house yet but have decided to definitely to live downtown Charleston.
We are constantly impressed more each day with what this city has to offer. The food, coffee shops, french bakeries, musical performances and even the people are freindly in the doctors offices.
                                               5K Reindeer Run in Charleston

                                              After the local performance of a Christmas Musical

                                                     What can I say---does it get any better?

We are finding that when you are tied to a dock with shore power that things tend not to break. Even have had the opportunity to make a couple of repairs. Not the least of which is taking care of the diesel manifold leak and finally tracing the source of the fresh water in the bilge. So we will be ready for the open seas next month.
Merry Christmas to all.