Left Norfolk on 11/25 a full week after returning from holiday as our European friends would say. Seems that the entire crew caught colds from our stay abroad and didn't feel up to the daily rigors of sailing. Also seems our cockpit enclosure was incomplete and the delay was necessary anyway. Here's a shot of a Carolina ICW sunset through our side "windows".
The entire cockpit is now enclosed with Strataglass (vinyl windows) and sunbrella like fabric. This keeps wind and waves off the crew while sailing. There are screens to replace the strata glass when the wind is welcomed in to cool the crew; think Bahamas. HD is seen traveling south with the other snow birds dressed in short sleeves while some are all wintered up in their ski wear. Sweet!
Here's a shot of what it was like for a few days, even indoors! Brrrr
The electric furler units for both of the head sails were complete and working very nicely. This was by far the hardest job on board to manually reef the jibs. When the wind was strong it the entire strength of both crew to get them hauled in. Now, one person presses a button mounted on the steering pedestal to unfurl and furl. Did we say this is very nice? Not to be out done by the delivery of our new latex mattress that was purchased at the Annapolis Boat Show and made while the crew was away. What a difference-the crews getting much more quality rest these days. As you can see, the Captain is very pleased with his new toys.
The steering wheel implanted itself into the first mate's sternum with surprising force although going so slow! Needless to say, the Captain woke up and came to the rescue, getting us off the sandbar and back into action-Shallotte Inlet, NC...make a note for next spring! Lesson learned...a trip to the ER the next day proved no broken bones-good news! The colors on the ICW this time of year are really beautiful and make it all worthwhile.
Sold the Florida condo while in Southport so now we're officially "homeless". Yeah! We'll get rid of the Hyundai and then we'll be officially boat people, with only bikes and a Harley and some stored furniture for when we find a home...somewhere in our travels...who knows?? Anywhere but Terre Haute and here---
Our trip south now has an additional deadline of being out of the condo by 12/21. So we plan to arrive in Bonita Springs on 12/13 to pack and move "our stuff" into yet another storage unit in Bonita.
In between, the first mate will accompany Tara to Atlanta to size up Mercer University as a candidate for Tara to earn her Pharmacy doctorate. Here she is busy studying by the pool in West Palm!!
On December 21 we will leave Bonita Springs behind and sail up to St. Pete to join the family for Christmas. Then off to the Bahamas for a couple of months of rest. Who would have thought that retirement would be so BUSY!
Pete and Cindy
I love reading your blog. Every time I read it, it gets better and better! You guys have the greatest life and your in such good spirits throughout. Another little something I can only hope this little fam of three can learn from you guys.
Oh, and we vote Europe for your new pied a terre.
Hope you had a lovely turkey day!
ps-glad you're ok cindy!! Ouch!
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